
Polynomialization by example

Polynomialization is extremely close in spirit to quadratization. The difference is that this time we are converting systems with the right-hand side as elementary functions to systems with polynomial right-hand sides. Let’s look at an example:

\[ x' = x \sin(a x) + u(t) \]

>>> import sympy as sp
>>> from qbee import *
>>> x, u = functions("x, u")
>>> a = parameters("a")
>>> system = [(x, x * sp.sin(a*x) + u)]  # u is an input variable
>>> polynomialize(system).print()
Introduced variables:
w_0 = sin(a*x)
w_1 = cos(a*x)

x' = u + w_0*x
w_0' = a*w_1*(u + w_0*x)
w_1' = -a*w_0*(u + w_0*x)

Note that the right-hand side of the resulting system is polynomial. We will call the set of introduced variables \(\{\cos(a \cdot x), \sin(a \cdot x)\}\) a polynomialization of the system.

Result of polynomialization can be natively combined with quadratization:

>>> poly_res = polynomialize(system)
>>> quadratize(poly_res, new_vars_name="p_").print()
Introduced variables:
p_0 = w_1*x
p_1 = w_0*x

x' = p_0 + u
w_0' = -a*p_0*w_1 - a*u*w_1
w_1' = a*p_1*w_1 + a*u*w_0
p_0' = a*p_0*p_1 + a*p_1*u + p_0*w_1 + u*w_1
p_1' = -a*p_0**2 - a*p_0*u + p_1*w_1 + u*w_0

Nevertheless, there is a much simpler way to do it altogether:

>>> polynomialize_and_quadratize(system).print()
Introduced variables:
w_0 = sin(a*x)
w_1 = cos(a*x)
w_2 = w_0*x
w_3 = w_1*x

x' = u + w_2
w_0' = a*u*w_1 + a*w_1*w_2
w_1' = -a*u*w_0 - a*w_0*w_2
w_2' = a*u*w_3 + a*w_2*w_3 + u*w_0 + w_0*w_2
w_3' = -a*u*w_2 - a*w_2**2 + u*w_1 + w_1*w_2

Polynomialization and Laurent monomials

Consider the following example:

>>> import sympy as sp
>>> from qbee import *
>>> x = functions("x")
>>> system = [(x, sp.sin(1 / x))]
>>> polynomialize(system).print()
Introduced variables:
w_0 = sin(1/x)
w_1 = cos(1/x)

x' = w_0
w_0' = -w_0*w_1/x**2
w_1' = w_0**2/x**2

As you can see, the resulting system is polynomial in Laurent sense, i.e. have variables with negative integer powers. Although this form comes in handy for more optimal quadratization in the end (see this section), you may want to get a system with a polynomial right-hand side in the usual sense. How to do this is shown in the corresponding section.

Optional: Polynomialization of rational powers

TODO, use my note